Streamlining NYC DOT Approvals

04 September, 2024

A Q&A with Victor Polanco

In New York City, building owners and operators are increasingly focused on enhancing public spaces to boost pedestrian activity and create a sense of place. Efforts such as repairing sidewalks to resolve tripping hazards, replacing curbs, and Builders Pavement Plans are becoming common. However, navigating the complex NYC permitting process to achieve these goals can be daunting.

Understanding the necessary permits and how to apply for them is crucial to the success of any project. Bohler’s Victor Polanco has nearly 25 years of experience at NYC’s Department of Transportation (DOT), and knows this process inside and out.

We recently spoke with him to gain insights into navigating applications and streamlining approvals, ensuring that your project moves forward smoothly.

Generally speaking, how many permits are typically required to complete an exterior refresh of a building in NYC?

The work permits required by the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) depend on the specific scope of work. For example, storefront renovations fall under the Building Operations Construction Activity Permits standards and regulations. If your renovations involves replacing windows or removing walls or doors, a wooden construction fence is required to protect pedestrians.

Should this fence extend more than three feet into the sidewalk, you’ll need a DOT permit to install it, in addition to your New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) work permit. Furthermore, the DOT will require separate permits for maintaining the fence and any temporary sidewalk closures to ensure pedestrian safety while maintaining a minimum five-foot-wide path for foot traffic.

That’s a lot! How do you approach this process with your clients to help them obtain approvals as quickly as possible?

When I first meet with a client, I focus on understanding their goals and what they aim to achieve with their project. I ask detailed questions to get a clear picture of their vision.

From there, I draw on my extensive experience working with the DOT to identify the guidelines and specific permits required.

But beyond just knowing the rules, it’s critical to understand how to present the project to a DOT reviewer in a way that aligns with their expectations, making them comfortable and more likely to grant approval quickly.

This is a strategic approach our team takes to help streamline the process – ensuring that clients obtain the necessary approvals as quickly as possible.

How does this approach differ from other building consultants in the city?

Many consultants may overlook the importance of fully understanding a client’s goals and objectives. At Bohler, we prioritize asking the right questions to ensure that every step aligns with the client’s vision.

We also have the unique advantage of collaborating with our internal site civil engineering teams, who bring extensive design and logistics experience. This collaboration allows our permitting and design groups to work together to develop holistic, innovative solutions. The scopes we assist with include Builder’s Pavement Plans, Pedestrian Ramps, Curb Cuts, Sidewalk Closures and Repairs, Street Openings, Lane Closures, Revocable Consents, Vault Repairs, and more.

What’s one thing you wish every building owner/operator in NYC knew about DOT permitting?

I wish every building owner or operator in NYC knew about the embargo period. From November to January, the DOT implements a blackout period where no new permits are issued due to the increased pedestrian and delivery activity during the holiday season. There are ways to proactively prepare for these blackout periods, and in some cases, a year-round project may be granted continuous permits at the DOT’s discretion. If your project falls within this timeframe, connect with your permitting consultant to develop a strategy for moving forward.

Learn more about the construction embargo here.

Ready to refresh your sidewalk space in NYC? Connect with Victor.

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