Bisnow’s Largest Data Center Event

What Will Be Discussed Across 18 Panels and Three Full Days of Content:

  • Global Industry Growth: Data center infrastructure spending is expected to surpass $1 trillion annually by 2029. How are investors and developers bracing for this pace of growth?
  • Artificial Intelligence Hype Cycle: Where are we in the AI hype cycle? Will demand continue to reach new highs or will it slow down in 2025?
  • Market Dynamics: The dynamics of the largest data center market in the world, Northern Virginia, and other primary markets are changing — what are the ripple effects for stakeholders and secondary markets?
  • Supply Chain: What are developers and service providers doing to manage the chronic supply chain challenges? How have they adjusted their processes for this “new normal”?
  • Design and Construction: How are developers changing their approach to meet the unprecedented demand within budget and on time?
  • Sustainability: How are data center developers and operators actively addressing the sustainability challenges and minimizing their environmental footprints? Is there a sense of urgency?
  • High-Performance Computing: What can we learn from power-hungry, high-performance computing technologies? What does it mean for the industry?
  • Future-Proof Engineering: How are engineering practices and applications changing to adapt to today’s needs? What are the current misconceptions?
  • Rack Densities and Cooling: What market factors are driving demand  for higher power densities in the rack? What are the implications for the ecosystem and changes in cooling strategies?
  • Capital Markets: How much more capital will flow into this market? Is more M&A on the horizon?
  • Innovation: What will be the future innovations and big ideas that will shape this industry for the next three to five years?
  • …And A Lot More!
About Megan Baird, PE
Megan Baird, PE, Bohler, Associate, Director of Market Advancement, Mission Critical

As an Associate in Bohler’s Northern Virginia office, Megan has overseen the site design and permitting for more than eight million square feet of high-profile data center facilities across the region. Megan serves as an in-house expert on data center design and operations and is Bohler’s go-to resource for due diligence advice, tenant-specific design requirements, and overall best practices. Megan is also an active member of 7×24 Exchange’s chapter in Washington, D.C.

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