Altura Homes Brings Transformative Community to Mesquite

Altura Homes, an award-winning home builder in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, is getting closer to moving dirt in the development of a unique three-phase, single-family residential community in Mesquite, Texas, about 30 minutes east of downtown Dallas. With large one-acre lots, Altura’s goal of creating a residential community with a rustic appeal is coming to life with the 365-acre Berkshire Estates. It will be the largest subdivision in this growing suburban community.

Challenges in Code Gaps

With no precedent for such generous lot sizes, it was critical for the project team to work closely with the City of Mesquite in order to move the project forward. Altura’s vision for the subdivision used design elements the City was less accustomed to, including private septic systems; roadways without curb, gutter, and sidewalks; and open channel storm drainage systems.

To maintain the rural-themed community, Altura felt strongly about avoiding artificial design elements. Furthermore, from a budget perspective, a private septic system would be a more cost-effective approach for the large-lot development.

A Collaborative Approach to Approvals

Bohler collaborated with Altura’s development team to overcome the two major obstacles challenging the project’s ability to garner City support: Mesquite’s requirement that the development be annexed into City limits and securing approval for the technical design elements they were less accustomed to. While Altura worked with the City on the annexation front, Bohler simultaneously kept technical challenges moving forward by drawing from its expertise and experience to educate City reviewers on the preferred design.

In taking a collaborative approach with approvals, the team addressed the City’s concerns while illustrating the effectiveness of certain components, such as open channel stormwater conveyance using borrow ditches as opposed to curb and gutter and piped conveyance.

Additionally, the use of these rural design components was validated by arranging for the City of Mesquite staff to tour other Altura developments where similar elements were already complete and functioning within neighboring communities.

Delivering a New Style of Residential Development

Through this upfront coordination, communication, and planning to resolve design challenges, Bohler helped Altura accomplish a new style of residential development within the City of Mesquite. With a vision for one-acre lots with rural design elements, Altura’s forthcoming community will offer a premium product at a favorable price point for each of the 265 homes.

Additionally, the successful annexation of the property will increase the community’s tax base by nearly $100 million, providing support for critical City investments like schools and infrastructure. Bohler’s efforts helped Altura move forward with this new residential project, which will have a lasting impact on the overall future of the City of Mesquite.

365 Acres
265 Homes
1 Acre Lots

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